Monday, June 30, 2008

Muddog American For President!

A phenomenal occurance! Muddog American has hit the ground running in this news video above with the Presidential Election Candidate.

A crazy and powerful news story. Check it out :)

Friday, June 6, 2008

National Firearms Museum Muddog American

This is a great site to visit for a virtual tour, gun collector information and more.

"The Gun Not Fired

NRA member George Whitehead, after military service in WWII, moved to Port­land, Oregon and started a career with the Portland police department, even­tu­al­ly spending 27 years on the force. As a detective following up leads, he frequently visited area gun shops, and in 1969, purchased a Thompson sub­ma­chine gun from a dealer going through fi­nan­cial hard times. This Model 1921 Thompson, serial number 6040, had been sold by a small police department in the Milwaukee area and was still brand new."

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